Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tomorrow I am going sale shopping, and I saw some of the shops that had sale yesterday, so I felt like I wanted to share with you guys:
H&M has many things on sale, which is really cheap then and a lot of their underwear is really, really cheap these days (I am going to buy some tomorrow for sure)
Monki, which is already pretty cheap is even cheaper and you can find lots of good stuffs in there
Weekday, which is a bit expensive store has 50% and 75% these days
Wasteland (which is the coolest store, I bought the baseball shirt there) have some shirts and tees on sale!
Urban Outfitters, I didn't saw how much they had on sale, but I love U.O. so you could maybe find some cool jeans or tees (or books, their books is so insperering)
- This is some of the stores I am going to tomorrow!

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