I'm going to the haircutter on Thursday and I want to ask if they can permanent my hair so it's getting waves in it, like mary-kate olsen and miley cyrus'. Their hair is so gorgeus!
Go listen to Train's song "Hey Souls Sister" here, it's the new I'm yours this Summer!
Today I was SATC2 all I wanna say is that it was SO funny and SO sweet, go see it! I'm going to the haircutter on Thursday, and I'm thinking about getting like mary-kate/miley cyrus - waves in my hair, if that's possible, cause I loooove their hairs!
OMG! Taylor-fucking-momsen is not just a big style icon, she can sing too! The Pretty Reckles, go listen to it here!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Yeah! Hope you guys like the new layout (the bigger pictures) cause I'm abso-freaking-lutely loving it !
Sorry, I already have posted this picture once, but I'm just trying something with the layout. xoxo
Cross necklace. Do you guys like the layout better when the pictures is as big as possible??
Tomorrow is my last school day (in DK we're celebrating it with standing on the schools roof (at my school) and then throwing waterballons + caramels at all the other kids from school) + we're wearing some costume, I'm gonna be dressed as an Indian. Tonight I'm gonna have a sleep-over with my favorite girls from class, and then tomorrow we are getting dressed, then eating Breakfast with the entire class at N's place, and then we're gonna take over the school!! I'm so excited! xoxo
Just some pictures of a diet coke, what can I say? I didn't know what to photographe. + The silver medal we won at the danish championsship in show dance, so proud! So now we're going to the worlds championsship in show dance once in November, that's amazing!
Hope you guys had a good day, I've spend my day together with my very good friend F, just talking for hours. Bye guys!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
SILVER TO US! WORLD CHAMPIONSSHIP ONCE IN NOVEMBER! AMAZING! Yeah, we won silver today (show dance), unfortunately we didn't win Gold, but still I'm so glad and proud!! Nothing else to say, I'm just so tired now, goodnight xoxo
1) What I'm using at a day (foundation is just if there's some small things to cover) 2) me 3) Some movies + some of my favorites 4) Just got a new Vichy day creme (a test, so it's a little one) but it's so good! 5) Wasteland! What can I say?
TODAY: been to school, then cleaned Uncle and Aunts house to own some money and then home and take a looooong shower, and then out sitting in the lovely sun :) Isn't it lovely? You know what? There's only 4 school days left for me in my school (folkeskolen) + the exams, but then.. I'm just done, I'm not gonna see all my class mates every single day (5/7 days) It's going to be soo wierd. But I'm so exciting to go to the gymnasium and get loads of new friends, but I'm gonna miss my "old" ones so, so, so much. xoxo
1) todays outfit, the sun is shinning dude! 2,3,4) pictures taken by my littlesis 5) my silver rings + the new one with the script "Love is all around"
I've got a new ring. All I wanna say for now is "Love is all around"
I personally ADORE Ida Filippas blog. Her pictures is perfect + her style is amazing. Crazy that you can look up to someone that's actually below your own age, but I do. If you are totally out of the danish blogging world and don't know her, then go check her blog out here!
Words fascinate me. That is why I want to write for living. That is why I love it because it is fascinating and you can write what ever you want to and you can create what ever you want to. I love writing.
Sorry for bad webcam picture, but this is all you get from todays outfit. I'm wearing dark green shirt from H&M, Black top with some silver stuff on from H&M, my new DM dance hoodie from my dance school + my new silver ring from Glitter.
Today: Was in school for 1h english lesson and then we were done..? because our teachers is on a trip apparently. but anyway so just got home, 'cause I'm sooo tired, probably after dance yesterday. But now I'll go bake a cake I think, 'cause I'm so hungry after something sugar-ish and then I'll go watch a movie + wait for my mommy to come home so we can go out find a costume to me to last school day. LATERO! xoxo
TODAY: Dance lesson + got my hoodie to the competition and now we've figured out what our make-up is going to be like. And then got home and cleaned the house. My week: mon: school + dance tues: school + finding costume to last school day wedn: school + dance thurs: school + clean Unce and Aunts house frida: school + dance satu: clean house + family birthday sund: the danish championsship in show dance
A little bit stressy week, but I'm just too excited for the competition on Sunday that I don't really care that I don't have time to being with my friends this week :)
People.com made a 'who wore it the best' between this two girls. And I'll vote for Miley, like the shoes + the raw denimjacket to the pretty summer dress. I love her style! Btw, go watch The Last Song, it's such a cute story (and I'll bet you're gonna cry, I did), wrote by Nicholas Sparks (the Author behind A walk to remember + The Notebook, amazing movies).
I want this beautiful feather ring SO badly. If anybody out there knows how much it costs (danish crowns) then please let me know + which friis & com. store you bought it in, because I couldn't find it in town today. Thanks!
Just watched karate kid for the 1st time in my life, it's very cute. Now I'm off to bed! Tomorrow: clean the house, to get some money, and then in Cinema and see The last song (so excited, it looks so sweet). PS, was wondering if I have more followers than the 7 that has actually 'confessed' that they're following me? If I have, then just 'add me' on blogspot and write here :) Love you for reading my blog. xx
1) Present my littlesister bought me today 2) What I bought on the shopping trip today (leggins bik bok, Top and shorts H&M) 3) The shorts 4) The top
I had a sleep-over with one of my friends and watched some SATC and today we was in CPH on a shopping trip (Christ, there was many people in town today) a nice trip and I bought some stuff, which I love (unfortunately I couldn't find the black shirt from Monki or the feather ring from Friis & com., but I found some damn cool black shoes I want). That's pretty much it, tomorrow I'm going to watch The Last Song in Cinema with 3 friends, bye guys! xx
1) top H&M 2) Summer dress H&M 3) Shoes Pieces 4) Shoes Pieces 5) Feather ring Friis & company Just some stuff I would l.o.v.e. to have! Mom, are you listening? Today I'm going to be "all by myseeelf", until 6pm. when my friend is coming and we're going to chillin' and just hanging out together and have a sleep-over, and tomorrow we're going on a shopping trip! Wuhuu! long time since I've been out shopping (if you look away from the other day when I bought some feathers to my indian costume, last school day + the newest HP movie + something to the eyeslashes as I apparently was alleregic to, that's just bad ass man). But that's pretty much all, by guys!
PS! YEAH! My 'half cousin' from California is maybe coming to visit us in 2 weeks in the Summer holiday, hope so!